Just don't wear anything that would violate the dress code. Problem solved. Moving on with Life.
Just don't wear anything that would violate the dress code. Problem solved. Moving on with Life.
My Bad...you're right.
Funny how No One here is driving the narrative that such a name is emblematic of a white trash culture. but, let Sharkquiesha do something like this and see the double standard take root in the media.
Feminism is Dead, as it's taken a downturn toward the bottom of self-interest for women who frantically seek a cause rather than a solution.
Double-entendre Fail...
Maybe that's your problem - the behavior that caused the rash in the first place.
Vaginas represent female sexual power and any promiscuity associated with her sexual proclivities is lauded as solely a function of her own individual choice, but a penis looking to bang one - well, that's just "creepy" and a "loser".
Only pussies and girls write about crap like this.
So this is what feminists fought for: The Right to do a Dear Abby Column at Jezebel in the jazzy Internet Age. Huh....sounds like recycled shit with a new lesbian pop packaging for mass consumption to me...
You're young little one. Stick around...much more racist shit will be discovered as your world expands...
What is with gurls obsession over their own vaginas?
don't be fooled, females are complicit in perpetuating this morbid relationship of self-defeatist imagery of impossible perfection...
I think Jezebel Readers are the most objective. When Blacks were maligned in the wake of the CNN baby thug video you came to our rescue when pronouncing the double standard in the media. And, now, not one of you have offered the offending mother's race as a reason for her inexplicable behavior. Thanxs...I…
Why....sigh....why do women do passive aggressive shit like this all the time?
Uh oh...has anyone told that Adorable Mormon Gurl Elizabeth Smart this?
Message to White People:
Then Stop saying to Black people that Race doesn't Matter when it Clearly Does.
No, I'm very Serious.
Thank God you didn't say Black People because we certainly don't wanna be like them...