
1.) You said, "I'm Sicilian.", which is always funny to me when white Americans say stupid stuff like, "I'm Irish with just a dash of Scottish" because I'm sure you don't speak fluent Italian, nor can you name the 2 largest cities on the island to say the least. Point is you're white American.

you said: "Am I the only person who thinks it would be helpful to stop defining racial boundaries in terms of clothing and dance moves and fingernails? Saying "these clothes are for black people," "these dance moves are for black people," "this manicure is for black people" is far more cringe-inducing than a pop star

So, let me get this straight. America enslaves an entire disparate group of people, into perpetual slavery for 100 years based on nothing more than skin-color totally eradicating whatever link to their heritage or culture they once had; then terrorizes them afterwards for another hundred while killing as many as

I saw you got frustrated with the troll, so I just replied. Let me take it from here.
We do watch from afar, but if you need help, just call…we got your back.


Your're welcome.

Bi-racial seems to be a relatively new terminology; however, according to the one drop rule in the U.S., even the lightest-skinned black person was still black.

While Meagan Hatcher-Mays goes off on some self-gratifying, sanctimonious tirade of publicly obliterating anyone who dares question the sincerity of Cheerios showcasing a fake mixed family in 2013, let me present an alternative view-point so that a conversation can be had.

First of all, a vast majority of we Blacks (I

I'm overweight, but don't tell me because I'll holler bigotry

The source of the author's tirade is based on anecdotal tales of this or that. The very first one is of a gastric specialist who simply spoke ignorantly, but whose intentions aren't indicative of a selective bigotry or bias specifically aimed at overweight patients. I'm sorry, but one poorly worded comment is not

The source of the author's tirade is based on anecdotal tales of this or that. The very first one is of a gastric specialist who simply spoke ignorantly, but whose intentions aren't indicative of a selective bigotry or bias specifically aimed at fat people.

It appears that the author is grasping at straws at times...

Sounds like another installment of privileged white female syndrome of the 1st World Order to me...

It's funny how psychologists think they're now Medical Doctors.