
People, if anything like this happens to you or someone you're responsible for, hire a lawyer. Do not depend on the DA's office, the police, or the school's counsel to look out for your best interests. No matter how nice they are, and no matter how much they might care, they don't represent you.

She initially told investigators that a stranger came into her bunk in the middle of the night, because she "didn't want to get him, a friend, in trouble" (a claim that, of course, was used to discredit her later).

Well, since there seems to be lots of evidence of the assault, I hope that the assailants are arrested. If that does not happen, I hope that Tyra and Janell file a lawsuit against the authorities for not prosecuting, and against the perpetrators themselves.

I would get a beautiful mandela design. Lots of them are even vaguely nippley!

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina of Bangladesh is not impressed with Mr Limbaugh's suggestion that Muslim women have no power.

But they can't exactly convict on manslaughter because he instigated it, that is definitely not the law in this case.

My big thing is this quote I discovered: "Only in America can a white man point a gun at a black man and say, "I feel threatened." If we lived in a just world, the case would be open and shut: stalking, first degree murder, hate crime. No, wait. George Zimmerman once attacked a COP, was abusive to ex

because white privilege couldn't deliver justice


To use a Jezebel-friendly example, a Florida woman's abusive ex-boyfriend came to her house, she shot in the air to scare him off, and she got twenty years.

I want to be her friend. She seems so sweet and loving and...I feel so awful for her. I can't imagine losing my best friend. No, I can actually. I'd be a whirlwind of rage and depression - not nearly as composed as this young woman.

Really Gawker, can you tell me how "FatLindyWestEatsMyShit" isn't banned yet?

I'll try and use myself as an example so you can hopefully understand it better. I am from Jamaica. I was born there. Jamaica has a huge problem, a massive problem, with homophobia. Personally, I am the opposite of homophobic, but I am painfully aware of the fact that my home country has issues with gay rights.

Fuck all you "good liberal white people" who are going to come in this comment section and give yourselves a pat on the back. Just stop. You already showed your asses last night in the previous article. Like Seriously fuck you. Because you still felt the need to lecture us on our pain and made it all about you. Let

I just got back from downtown Oakland, where there are helicopters zooming by overhead, there are cop cars everywhere, and more than a few broken windows already. I'm only going to explain this once, because my soul is tired. I appreciate your allyship. Sincerely. But fighting for people of color, especially men of

I am so scared. I'm afraid for every black and brown man and boy that I know, and the ones that I don't. People are so fucking afraid of "riots" breaking out, but they need to be afraid for all the future Trayvons. This just confirmed everything that we've known, and I'm sorry, but there's not a Black person alive

There is so much truth in what you said. I am a WoC in Florida and I was writing in a park around seven p.m. Unbeknownst to me (I had my ear buds in) teenagers were acting up. Someone in the neighborhood called the cops. I kid you not, the one cop parked his car maybe three feet from the picnic table I was at and had