
You also have the right to be a fucking idiot. And you're doing a fine job of demonstrating that right this morning.

haha, I knew I was hitting a soft spot in the trailler park.

I think the problematic stuff comes in where we start making value judgments based on various features and how they are or aren't associated with ethnicities.

Ummm, no. Black people don't have the patent on being oppressed by The Man. If you think that: learn your history. Chinese Exclusion act. Orientalism. Internment camps and the treatment of Japanese Americans in WWII. Vincent Chen. Open your eyes and look the fuck around you and quit playing those damn

Let us raise a glass to the patron saint of the Gawker commentariat, the venerable St. Maury Compson

The worst thing are those people who say "I don't care! I have nothing to hide!" That's what really disgusts me, which is why today I had to write this.

None of this keeps us safe, and any surveillance that can keep us safe can be done so abiding by the law. Terrorism is an infinitesimal danger, and it's not worth this type of Big Brother surveillance. It wouldn't be allowed to cut down on "murder" as a concept, why is terrorism different?