Now imagine being an employee who just, a year before, moved halfway across the country to work on that game... yeah, I’m a little bitter.
Now imagine being an employee who just, a year before, moved halfway across the country to work on that game... yeah, I’m a little bitter.
Sure, the new Ghostbusters was a flop, but it’s great to see Leslie Jones’ career is back on track!
Was this Tournament held in North Korea?
All this talk about toilet paper prices has me feeling like a caveman. Can we upgrade society to the three clamshells already?
All this talk about toilet paper prices has me feeling like a caveman. Can we upgrade society to the three…
Battleborn is like Barb from Stranger Things. . and Overwatch is Will Byers. . .
Wait being French doesn’t allow you to make German jokes.
They’ve finally caught up to the Wii U...
Schreier: How has the optimization been going? There’s so much going on and there are so many graphical effects that it must be tough to get a stable framerate on consoles.
“Don’t start calling 30 GameStops to try to disprove this rumor”
Articuno is real, OK? This is a good bird, the best bird. I’ve seen many, many birds and I’ve created thousands of nests. If I was elected to head of Pokémon GO I’d work on legendaries, because legendaries are low, it’s incredible. And I would create more creatures in the inner cities, which is what I really do best,…
Sounds like an employee who agreed to the ToS and is bitching because she isn’t getting her way. It doesn’t matter how stupid the rules are. Rules are rules and she agreed to every single one when she took the job.
In 1987 Hasbro released a stocky green and purple robot that transformed into a mechanical scorpion and a Decepticon…
Normally, I’d say this is pretty ridiculous for him to be arrested, but honestly? He had it coming. You can’t just go and say stuff like that these days. While I’m all for freedom of speech and all that jazz, if you think there’s a decent chance people are actually going to be worried about what it is you’re saying?…