Nintendo Worker A: “Oh, man. We don’t have any major title for the Wii U’s holiday season. What do we do to rake in cash?”
Nintendo Worker A: “Oh, man. We don’t have any major title for the Wii U’s holiday season. What do we do to rake in cash?”
Attack it’s weak point for Massive damage!
Way back in the 1980's, I was big in the hacking scene. One time, I changed this girl’s grade in an effort to impress her. After that, I tried to hack into a game developer’s server by using my phone modem and an auto-dialer. I accidentally dialed up a military server and almost started a nuclear war. Boy was my face…
Yup. If Sony is going to announce it, you can be damn sure MS will follow suite.
You missed it.
I don’t think there’s a prosecutor in the country that would bring charges unless he actually managed to seriously main/kill the guy. Probably just escorted out by police and kept under watch until he calmed down.
Trade in Credit lol
Which funny cause look at how often Horror Franchises kept churning out sequels for their movies. I mean seriously for 1980-1986 6 Friday the 13th movies were made. One a year. Granted ya the cycle for these games have been shorter but their price point has also showcased that.
Don’t Purchase any. Gawker may get a commission from the ad because 1081 Galker peeps purchased one. Then the money will go to Hulk Hogan, BROTHER!!!
Don’t Purchase any. Gawker may get a commission from the ad because 1081 Galker peeps purchased one. Then the money…
No, it’s not a prop from 50 Shades of Grey; it’s an outdoor hammock chair, and it can be yours for $30.
No, it’s not a prop from 50 Shades of Grey; it’s an outdoor hammock chair, and it can be yours for $30.
At GameStore. Trade in all of your weapons and ammo and your dog for 7 bottle caps. During our holiday sale. GameStore.
I stole the words from an old post about the same product, and didn’t read carefully. Clearly, I needed some iced coffee this morning.
I stole the words from an old post about the same product, and didn’t read carefully. Clearly, I needed some iced…
Summer might be winding down, but there’s still time to enjoy iced coffee.
Summer might be winding down, but there’s still time to enjoy iced coffee.
Is it just me, or are those absolutely the wrong types of shoes to be wearing while wandering around in the woods?
So you must be 15
I’m definitely looking forward to it. seems like a pretty cool game.
Game looks fine. Like an old school halo. And it’s an interesting fleshing out of the universe. But no one whines like Metroid fans.