
I got the gummies and they got flagged by TSA in my carry-on! They appeared as a big black mass of not-quite liquid on screen so they checked it out. The agent said I could keep them if I could sing the Gummi Bears theme song - luckily I’m a child of the 80s! Also, 10 people were unable to finish the bag over the

I got the gummies and they got flagged by TSA in my carry-on! They appeared as a big black mass of not-quite liquid

“We don’t know why they’re doing this DDoS attack! It’s not like we angered a bunch of gamers by shutting down a private server or something...”

Is this like a fundraiser to pay the court judgment to Hulk Hogan?

Is this like a fundraiser to pay the court judgment to Hulk Hogan?

Man... the lengths some people go to just to get a little pussy.

Sorry, disassembled him for parts.

Thanks for the update on this case! Still waiting to hear what happened in that whole “Bolea vs. Gawker”-thing because you guys haven’t mentioned anything since posting snarky links to watch the trial.

Brother, nice hat tip to the Hulkster.

Mike, as the only writer I still enjoy on Kotaku, where will you be going after Hulk Hogan piledrives your servers through the Earth’s core?

I don’t know what elephant you’re talking about, brother.

So... Is anyone gonna talk about the elephant in the room? The giant pink elephant rampaging about? No? ok.

Everywhere I got theres anywhere between 5-15 Nintendo fans that jump in to defend Nintendo every chance they get. Everywhere.

Unfortunately for Nitnendo fans, gamers as whole really could not give any less of a shit about the Wii U. It’s easily one of Nintendo’s worst consoles ever and missed the mark in pretty much

Maybe then I don’t have to be a real parent and tell the kiddo to get off the computer. The problem will fix itself!

Try laying some bacon on top of the waffle batter, then close the lid. It does better if you slightly pre cook the bacon in the microwave first. Not fully cooked. Just partly.

I would like to know more

I had Blue as a kid because I liked the colour, so I’m getting Blue. I am a simple man.

More trucks to find Mew under

But can your cat’s tail wander through the air, go into other fans at this price point, and come out still intact?

But can your cat’s tail wander through the air, go into other fans at this price point, and come out still intact?

This can’t die soon enough. To both “Damn Daniel” and swatting.