Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

Everything moves faster today. The cars, buggies, and trollies were moving pretty slowly.

The guy should hit a gym and plastic surgeon instead of wasting time on some shit site like reddit.

Every PPV except Over the Edge where Owen Hart died.

Stop with the "because" bullshit. Speak properly, you asswipe. Or You aren't being original clever.

What a classy writer ��. So if calling guys "sweaty, hairy, disgusting meatsack of a pre-corpse", I guess it's okay to call women trampy, fish-scented useless pairs of tits, right?

Stunning in its suckage.

Wow, you guys are slow compared to "out-of-date" print media. this story ran in the current issue of Game Informer, which wax printed last month.

Alternate headline: Biggest Losers of 2013.

I didn't read who posted this article, but as soon as I saw that line, I knew it was that sorry excuse for an editor Luke. Or as I call him, Puke.

Is this Jalopnik or fucking Jezebel?

This show is a ripoff of Dragon's Den.

That was really stupid.

Seriously, what purpose does Brazil serve as a nation? Remove the scum that are Brazilians and let the whole country be a giant rainforest preserve.

Oh, goody. Players get to spend $60 on a game so they can spend even more money while playing it.

Not really. It took too damn long and got really annoying after a short time.

What a stupid waste of time.

How can you be a classic Sega fan and spell Alex Kidd with one D??

I attribute the app crashes you experiences to the pre-release firmware you mentioned. Polygon made no mention of anything crashing.

At least one of them was black. I'll put money on that. Guaranteed money that Emmanuel was black

Yes, it came out two years before the Super NES in North America.