Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

You know he's Canadian because of the Remembrance Day poppy he's wearing.

Just admit when you've been bested. Consoles aren't bricked when they aren't connected to Live. Bricked means the console is permanently broken and will never work again, and you know damn well that that isn't the case here.

Give it a rest, idiot.

That's not a robot. That's an Radio control unit with a two stroke engine.

No, they didn't want to spend the money fighting it.

Hardly. They changed it after losing a lawsuit. Otherwise they wouldn't have.

Wow, you are stupid. You want to penalize a game that does not have spoken dialog - that doesn't NEED spoken dialog - for not having it? Why does every single game need to have spoken dialog, even games that it would not fit in to? Stop being lazy. I would rather read the text myself than to have to listen to it being

Terrible sounding noise. that acapella guy is far better.

Gamers are stupid and jump to conclusions and form stupid inions bwfore getting all the facts. Pure idiots.

They've themselves journalists before.

No, they still make the same kind of games they always have. The difference is is that you're at an age where you think you are too cool for their games, or too immature to appreciate them.

It would help if both screens were at the same angle...

Didn't Kat Hannaford or whatever her name was) get exiled to the lame UK gizmodo that no one reads for posting a similarly condescending article about electronic cigarettes?

Except it's not digital only.

You obviously cannot read. This is aimed at young kids and parents of young kids. Parents who don't want to spend $170+ on a handheld or who don't want their kids using something that produces imagery in 3D. Smarten up. What is wrong with going after a demographic that wasn't purchasing your current models?

This isn't aimed at you.

It's ugly, and the name is confusing, but I see exactly what they are doing, and apart from those two things, it's pretty smart. The price and lack of 3D will certainly appeal to kids and to parents who were wary of the 3D aspect of the 3DS.

Looks terrible. Not just the fight engine and the herky-jerky movement of the players, but also the player model themselves. They should keep the view further away. These games never look good when they get close to the players.