Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

"...but try to remember the last time you actually saw someone using a payphone for
its intended purpose. What about the last time you just saw one... anywhere?"

Also amazing: Leslie.

Classic Puke, with his childish and needless shots at Nintendo. We get it: you're too fucking cool for Nintendo. You're also balding, which means you probably aren't 20. Time to grow the fuck up.

It seems like Nintendo is the only company that remembers how to have fun. And it shows in their games. They aren't obsessed with games that are nothing more than killing sprees.

Hopefully the combat will be minimal. Uncharted 2 was fun...until it got to the combat sequences, which happened too often. A game about exploration turned out to be just another game about you controlling a murderer shooting everyone else in the game. It was a complete let down.

Sadly this game will be ruined by combat sequences. For some reason every game needs you fighting someone or something. It would be nice if this game was just about trying to get from point A to B with that fucked up feather dog thing without having to kill everything else that's alive.

Their event sucked. It was just more of the same games that come out by the dozens every month. Nothing but shooting and murdering with ridiculous amounts of violence. You would think the new hardware would get developers actually trying to be creative instead of relying on what they know the immature gamers want.

That was pretty awesome. With the lower price and the lack of restrictions the XBone has, Microsoft will either change their prices and/or policies, or they will get trounced.

Say what you will about the Xboneès look, but this thing is really ugly.

Maybe she'll bring up how she was raped multiple times yet again.

How is that "rage quitting"? Maybe they just left because they don't want to deal with cunts like you. You have no idea if they are "raging" or just getting bored and going to do something else.

Hopefully they will be able to clear things up about the Xbone at E3.

Why? Because it depicts a Japanese person with narrower eyes than a Caucasian,, which is 100% accurate to real life? And black hair, which every Japanese person naturally has?

No. Bell Media owns it (80% anyways). TSN licenses the ESPN style and format from them.

You should have included comsoles from companies that donèt make them anymore, like Sega, SNK, Atari, Panasonic, Mattel, and so forth.

There is no majority shareholder of the actual association. The association is an association, not a company.

Break out your dunce cap, because you just put yourself in the corner.

That's okay by me as I didn't buy a 360 because of their games. I got one for the games that were not coming out on the Wii at the time as well as for Xbox Live Arcade.

That is bullshit. But I guess it's okay to be sexist if you're putting down men, right?