Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

Someone keeps deleting my posts about Leslie having a hot body. What is up with that?

I am interested in the Xbone because of its interaction features, not because of the potential games. I seem to be growing up of playing games. But all that Smartglass and Kinect stuff the Xbone does? Amazing. If it works as well as they promise, it is definitely something I will consider buying. If it can replace my

For all you know that is a Blu-ray sized case. There is nothing to compare that Xbone case to for scale.

Except they don't because they don't own Blu-ray.

Why? Sony doesn't run or own Blu-ray.

Not too shabby. I am not sure I am crazy about the shade of green they are using for the Xbone, but everything else looks quite spiffy.


They'll go where the money is. And if they figure there is a lot of money to be made offering broader appeal for the Xbone, then that is what they will do. And in the last 2-3 years, it's hard to name any original IP from any of the three companies.

Most people won't have a setup close to what you have, so something like this can give them something all encompassing when they otherwise wouldn't have that.

Why can't we have a cellphone that is just a phone? Why does it have to have a touchscreen, and apps, and be "smart"?

What sounds off is people expecting something that Microsoft said would be discussed at E3 and not yesterday. How do YOU not get that? It's obvious that this was about all the other features and that gameplay stuff will be discussed at E3.Why can't you wait a mere three weeks in a setting meant for games?

I am no fan of all this cloud-based crap. but their point was still that you can load your game from any console you sign in on without having to cart around antiquated memory cards.

The consumer base will get what they want: they'll get their little games to play like they always have. These other features will in no way stop you from playing your blood and guts games.

It does make sense because they stated well ahead of time that this would NOT be about games today; it would only be about the console and its features. Nintendo had one conference to talk about the Wii U and games. Microsoft is doing one conference for each. I am sure you can wait a measly three weeks to find out

They are saving all the games for E3.

How will this work with the live TV thingy if you use an AV receiver instead of having this connected straight to your TV?

I never said I had interest in this console. I am just pointing out how stupid you idiots are complaining about them only talking about the console features after stating that they were only going to talk about the console features.

They are saving it for E3.

But now gamers can be even lazier.

And what did it accomplish? Nothing, you dumb jigaboo. Go back to your master, boy.