Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

Try to evolve with the times. You are getting left behind otherwise.

Wow, did you miss the point.

Wow. You are so witty and original. I hope you didn't strain yourself coming up with that clever and unique post.

That is what E3 is for.

Finally! someone on here with some damn common sense. It's amazing how many people didn't know what today was going to be about. Idiots.

It's clear that you are indeed stupid. They clearly stated that today's reveal was all about the hardware, and that E3 would be all about the games. Yet you somehow cannot comprehend this. Everyone knows the next console will play games; that's a given. So of course they want to focus on the other things it can do.

I'm black, so you can't try to pull the racist card on me, you little bitch.

Why do that when they can make something that does everything?

Consoles have gone beyond being about just games. They clearly stated ahead of time that this wouldn't be about games, and that E3 would be about games. So I don't know why the fuck you were expecting games here, especially when E3 is three weeks away. You must be pretty stupid to think they wouldn't leave anything

Hey dummy, this was about the console, not the games. They made that clear.

I assumed she was insane when she claimed she was raped multiple times. How does someone manage to do that?

Nope. I have no plans on buying this. I am more than happy with what I have.

It's obvious that they are trying to reach a wider audience than just you losers. /you'll still have your little games, and the wider audience will have functionality they are interested in, like a cable box and Blu-ray player together.

They're E3 announcements will be games, games, and more games. Nobody except fucking idiots watched this event today and expected to see games when they specifically said this was strictly about the hardware.

It's beyond just being a gaming console, idiot. It's obvious to anyone with a shred of intelligence. It was also obvious from their statement that this event was focusing only on the hardware and that they would use E3 for games means exactly what they said. Now you're a bitch because you can't paying a bit of

You're stupid. Consoles have evolved beyond just playing your silly little games. I know gamers only like change if the changes keep everything the same, but eventually you'll have to catch up to everyone else and adapt to change.

You are one stupid cock. Today wasn't about games, idiot. You can wait three fucking weeks to find out about the games. you can't play them any sooner regardless of when you learn about them, you stupid fucking coon.

This event wasn't about games, stupid. Fuck, what is wrong with all you whining cunts?

PC gaming is for fucking losers.

One as in All-in-One. Why is it no one has figured that out?