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Then you should have ignored today's event, because they said it was all about the console, and that E3 would be where they will talk about games. You must be pretty stupid if you didn't realize that.

XboxOne, as in All-in-One. I thought that was pretty clear cut. I guess I forgo there are mentally disabled people that following gaming news.

This event was about the console, not the games, stupid. E3 is for the games.

It won't kill you to wait a few more weeks to find out about the games. I mean, what difference does it make whether you find out about them now or in June? You can't play them any sooner.

More whining about how you won't be able to steal music and movies anymore. My heart bleeds for you all.

No, the Wii U's biggest problem is the slow trickle of games from Nintendo. That was the same problem the 3DS had at the start too. Do you not learn anything from past experiences (I am guessing 'no').

Quite whining, you fucking bitch. They are giving players a choice on whether they want to play the original version of the new version optimized for portable play. Giving players a choice is never a bad thing, so shut you stupid fucking coon mouth!

It would be nice if you covered more than just the games that involve murdering everything. There are plenty of genre of games, but this site seems to always focus on the ones involving guns and gore. Intelligent coverage about intelligent games not aimed at "adults" stuck in their immature teenage years would be nice.

Jesus christ. They're gone. Get over it already. Shit, it was just a company that made mediocre games.

You could still agree. I never ever followed football!

And hence, why "mature" games aren't mature at all. This is the stuff dumb tennage boys and people with their mentality would find cool. In reality it's just ridiculous and stupid.

I wasn't talking about the amount of votes currently. I meant as a football player, he is the most deserving. In his heyday, EVERYONE knew who he was, even people that didn't follow football at all. Has there really been anyone else since then who has had that stature for more than a few months?

That 14-year-old site is no worse that this abomination of a site. And he was 15 when he made it.

The cover belongs to Joe Montana. No one else is even close.

"Why I Cried a GDC"

I did that to a guy once. It wasn't a tournament, but a fight at a bar. He was in the hospital for a while, but I heard he recovered okay.

Yay. Another stupidgame centered around murdering everyone and everything around you. Mature games aren't actually mature at all.

This is why the web and the internet need to die. People are nothing but fucking cunts when they can hide behind a screen name and remain anonymous. None of them would say fuck all if they had their real names attached to their bullshit.

Totally awesome. Those pictures are fascinating.

Never played the original, but i will be downloading this for sure. Anything 80s and anything cartoons is what I love the most. DuckTales was one of the few 80s cartoons that were actually good, in both quality and story.