Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

So what is the issue here? It's a manual labor, brainless warehouse/factory job. They are all the same, and they all require hard work. Since when is hard work a bad thing? Maybe a bit more hard work would get you fatties into better shape.

No surprise its branded media is trending upwards. I mean, look at how many people abandoned this sinking ship of a site for Engadget.

The store I went to with my wife to get her a new laptop (Lenovo Yoga 13 - damn awesome, by the way), got over a dozen Surface Pros on Saturday and was sold out within an hour. And that doesn't include pre-orders either.

The ones I ahve always been really interested in were the Masterpiece Collection toys that were/are Toys R Us exclusive. I've missed out on every one of them because they are always so expensive. I've seen about 4 of them, and didn't grab any of them because of the high price. And when Transformers stuff would go on a

I turned to the game for a few minutes while the so-called "blackout" was occurring, and everything still look very well lit. There was no reason they couldn't have kept playing as far as the field's lighting was concerned.

You're using the word "Internet" when you should be using "web" or "world wide web". They are different things, you know?

Flavored ships like these often leave a lot to be desired. The Ball Park Hot Dog flavored chips I had last month were just okay. The best by far were the Doritos Bacon Cheeseburger flavor. Those were yummy.

Only half the lights went out. They could have easily continued to play their little game. They could still see perfectly fine.

This kind of garbage article belongs on Gawker.com. Smarten the fuck up, hack.

The best way to have OEMs not support your product is to tread into their established territory by making a laptop. Windows tablets were few and far between, so them making a tablet wasn't as big of a deal.

The fact of the matter is that Star Wars just isn't that great. The original films didn't age well as far as the acting is concerned (some of it is quite bad), the prequels sucked anus, and the rest of it feels disjointed from the original films.

This read as "This is a four-star tablet, but because it doesn't have an Apple logo, we're going to gripe a lot more and take another star away".

Who cares. Why don't you post articles on new tech products instead of wasting space with this garbage? Engadget and every other tech site puts this dump to shame.

Putting your food along the edge of the turntable plate instead of in the middle also helps a lot.

#1 - This is all generally funny. Anyone easily offended by any of that needs therapy.

I'm not a fan of Cronkite. Someone else mentioned that he was an ego maniacal ass and impossible to work with, but he was also racist. My grandfather used to be a janitor at the CBS studio where Cronkite worked. The newsroom staff was friendly to the janitorial staff at the studio, even Cronkite. However, he would

I've got the classic rotary desk phone in beige in my living room. Yes, I use it.

Who the hell goes outside and shoots a gun into the air just because someone pulls into your driveway? And then shoots at the car as it's leaving? I hope this over zealous prick rots in jail. There are a lot more of these kinds of over zealous people than the NRA will admit.

Still with that 1% bullshit? That fad has passed; why don't you move on from your jealousy already?

That's fine. Hibernation/Sleep does eat up quite a bit of space. It has expandable memory, so it's not a big deal either way.