Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

...and an upsetting reminder of the incomprehensible horror inflicted upon the city THAT FINALLY ENDED THE WAR.

Yay. Another CES gif of this no-talent idiot hack.

I said this several years ago in a forum somewhere, and it still holds true: Lindsay Lohan needs to die. Not for her benefit because she's a useless waste of space, but for our benefit so we don't have to hear about her anymore.

I fondled the Surface RT for the first time a week ago in Best Buy, and while the kickstand and keyboard cover were super sexy, it came across as being quite small. Almost two small. After mulling it over for a week, I am not sure I would find the Surface Pro too small, especially if I can do everything on it that I

Drop dead, you fat fucking waste of space asshole.

It could be coincidence more than evolution. There is no proof that this occurs due to evolution. For that to be true, people with non-wrinkly fingers had to have died off because of it. And then brings up natural selection vs evolution.

Yes, because installing a power transmitter in your counter is MUCH easier than plugging something into the wall.

This all assumes that the only form of life that exists is the same as ours and requires the same things we do, such as atmosphere and a "habitable zone". But the universe is huge. There is plenty that we don't know and can't even fathom, so chances are very good that there is plenty of life out there that is nothing

Pretty stupid. Actually, very stupid. These kids will be spending most of their lives looking at a screen the way things are going; there is no need to make it their whole life time.

Finally, a REAL tablet. If you Gizmodo employees had proper jobs, or knew anything about proper jobs, or even hobbies, you would know that tablets have more use than admiring your own posts on this site or trying to be witty and clever on Twitter. Some people don't need to carry their tablet to the coffee shop and

Some people still haven't moved to HDTVs, and now they expect people to upgrade their pricey HDTVs to pricier 4K TVs, knowing it will be years before anything is steadily broadcast at 4K? Tons of stuff is still broadcast at 480i.

The US is too stuck in the Dark ages to do anything progressive like switching to a method of measurement that makes sense. On top of that, most Americans do not realize that imperial is still used in countries that have adopted the metric system for some things. The construction industry in Canada still uses

Your standards are obviously very, very, low.

Not probably. It will. It's obvious to anyone who remotely follows gaming. After no announcement last E3, I knew they would have a new console at this years E3.

Something will go wrong. Now you're starting to mess with the natural process of space. The Moon doesn't have its own moon because it wasn't meant to yet.

I don't see the big deal about forgetting to say the "a". He was the first human to ever step on the moon. The fact that he was even able to speak is amazing. I'd probably be too excited and mesmerized to be able to say even a single word, let alone a sentence.

Who cares? It's his baby too, and he has a right to announce it.

They need to go back to the logo they used in the 90s. They seemed to chug along just fine with that logo. This new one has dragged then down with its gayness.

I did not like the HFR version. It was like watching TV at home, and I don't go to the movies for that. Not to mention how incredibly fake everything looked. Totally killed the movie for me. That, and the fact that the movie is too fucking long.

QR Codes are stupid. It's just an ugly looking link to a web page.