Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

I'd find being an astronomer very aggravating and frustrating. Looking up at the sky and into space, finding all these interesting things, with absolutely no way to actually visit them. I am already frustrated just reading stories like these knowing I can't go see what the places are like, never mind actually

Did someone seriously ask this question? Common sense should be enough to know that STDs can be transmitted orally.

My REASON is that Apple's stuff sucks.

It's not a console upgrade. It is amazing how many people who claim to be intelligent do not see the purpose of this console. This is not a console for someone who wants online connectivity, or downloadable games, or Gamecube games. This is for someone who just wants to play the odd Wii game they pick up in the store,

Except Ken Levine is white. Tons of Jews are. I don't see what someone's religion has to do with their skin color.

A chain on its "doors". Seriously? A "museum" for internet nerds about the Internet? Those resources would be better used elsewhere...on just about anything else in existence.

Jezebel wouldn't be Jezebel without a long-winded, feminazi rant.

Apple was not given patent for the start up chime sound. They were given a registered trademark for it. The reference article clearly states registered trademark, but you guys can't seem to understand what you read and say it's a patent instead. They are not the same thing at all, and people writing about tech like

So they named it after Obama because it too was a half-breed?

Basically a carbon copy of outlook.com.

#6 is incorrect. If you want a sissy Atom CPU, then you buy from Samsung or Acer. But some of us want something like a Core i5 in a tablet so that programs like Photoshop and Toon Boom will run smoothly. Part of the appeal of a tablet is being able to draw on it.

Incorrect. Boner pills count. They give men boners, and a man with a boner is always more interested in sex than when without a boner, even if the boner was not caused by anything sexual.

Haha! I got a Bobby Jones from my wife last night. And a Henry Jones two nights ago.

I don't understand how parents of a two-week old don't check on it for NINE hours. If I didn't hear my newborn make noise for a couple of hours I went to check to see if he was okay.

That's okay. Megan Fox isn't even attractive; better she keeps her clothes on.

"It's hard to look back at 120 year old devices like this and think of them as technology."

So, basically it comes down to three queers trying to get rich off someone famous. After reading this piece, I don't buy their stories anymore.

Isn't the Playstation store by default online? There is no offline version.

Why remove the branding off those Duracell batteries? Everyone already knows they are Duracell based on the design.