Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

Two to three movies a year doesn't mean all Star Wars movies. They've done a bunch of films besides Star Wars and Indiana Jones. There's been American Graffiti, Twice Upon a Time, Labyrinth, Willow, Howard the Duck (everyone's number one movie), The Land Before Time, Radioland Murders, and most recently, Red Tails,

The republican party should take the religious bent out of their party. Right now the only difference between the two parties is the influence of religion because both parties are conservative by normal standards (and standards in the US are not normal).

Yes. But in some cases when it's not started in a will or any kind of legal document, sometimes that decision has to be made by someone else with the intent of making things better for the person in question. I never said this was an easy topic to find a solution to. And because this country is still very much in the

Sure, her "breasts" are the size of a pimple, but she's pretty, so I am still interested in seeing them, even if I need an electron microscope.

Euthanasia should be legal for people who are vegetables like Shaivo or people who are ill and are going to die that want to avoid the pain and suffering that is imminent.

Easy. Keeping someone alive that has no chance of recovery, no brain function and almost no brain mass does nothing to benefit anyone except the selfish family. She would not have been able to answer questions the way this other vegetable did, and keeping her alive was pointless because there was absolutely no chance

Ban plastic bags and then charge 10 cents for a paper one?

It's actually pretty decent looking for a 1996 website. Far better than all the other ones that used black as a background.

And that would be a good thing how?

The Wii game was $50. The Wii U game is larger from what I've read, and the new hardware requires more work, as does the multiplayer (though a lot of it is probably carried over from the Wii version). And console games will always be more than handhelds. All "Triple A" games will be $60 now.

It is your problem. I'm black, but you are probably white, and feel the need to get offended on my behalf anytime someone uses a black word. Get over yourself.

For some reason these remind me of the soundtrack for Ecco the Dolphin on the Sega CD.

Puerto Rico as a state? Seems like a bad idea. I mean, are there any worse people that Puerto Ricans? Apart from Mexicans, I mean.

Standard price for a game these days. Better than paying $70 20 years ago.

I just see it as a very harsh word. I don't associate it with women. If you do, then maybe you have a problem.

No. You're just a cunt.

Hey, stupid. Croswynd is talking about spanking a child, not beating them. Didn't you read the first sentence? They are not the same thing. Smarten up, stupid.

As I posted the other day on the femi-nazi site Jezebel, this country has a right-wing party (Democrat) and a very right-wing party (Republican). Because of the stupidity of people in this country and their insistance on making religion important, you don't know what proper right-wing and Christian activitsts are .

So...a long-winded article all because you want to fist girls?