Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

What are you talking about. The Start Menu now takes the whole screen and is called the Start Screen. And you can manage the hell out of it. Try actually using it for more than five minutes.

Good. If Apple is so great and revolutionary, she should damn well be able to make their own screens.

It was a bit of both. The kitchen scene used a lot of costume work, like when the first one comes in and then "hoots" for the second one. I think most of the shots of just the raptor head throughout the movie were animatronic, and a lot of the full body shots were CGI. I didn't know they even used costumes until

I was going to post an almost identical comment. The test would be better with a real car from the 50s to 70s, before they turned into wimpy plastic shells with wheels.

Rage? I think you are reading someone elses comments. I don't "rage", especially not on web site comments to some little racist. And between you and me, the only weak one here is you. I've never been beaten up by a little girl. You can't say the same thing.

I call shenanigans. The Chinese fake everything.

Gameboy Color? Seriously? No chance. That was the Sega Genesis version.

Did the guy in the video yell "engine start"? No, he just said it.

Everything you can run on your desktop computer/laptop, you'll be able to run on the Windows 8 Pro tablet.

Too much fucking time on his hands. Get a life, nerd.

What do you expect from a bunch of filthy liberal idiots?

That's 75 games too many.

Right? I'm sad? The only sad one here is you for advocating someone killing me simply because you don't like what I have to say. That is the only sad thing here. Well, that and the fact that you think only certain people (whites, I assume) should be the only ones who should be allowed to express themselves. Maybe you

I have new found respect for McDonald's for doing these videos.

Are you mental? All that salt makes them taste AWESOME. I even add more myself.

Interesting to see how Gizmodo regulars live.

I had a teacher in grade 7 who thought that the fried were probably made from potato paste because they were so perfectly cut.

The only one who is "raging" is you. I am having a good laugh at how you are trying to be all tough and insulting on some stupid little website. Even your blatant, stupid racism is a bit funny as well.

So what plans are in place to increase electricity production since this will put more strain on the grid, which is already at its limit a lot of the times?