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Why don't you just completely ignore Autolog like I do?

Nintendo has always targeted the kids market, right from 1985 up to now. Why would they change that just because you got older? They have always had stuff for everybody, but most of it was aimed at young gamers, and it's worked well for them. Don't expect them to change that just because you aren't a kid anymore.

As long as the console is cheaper because of child labor, it's all good in my books. My ancestors went through slavery up the 1860s; I think others should experience it also.

There isn't any. Luke is just being a tool (as usual).

I realize that, but at the same time we don't care about what we leave behind once we are done. How many old rovers are still on Mars from past expeditions, and will be on there for as long as the planet exists?

I am pretty sure it's TBS and not Conan that is responsible.

That's fine and all, but that doesn't rule out life existing there. It just rules out carbon-based life, like what is found on Earth. But who says that is the only form of life in existence?

I don't see the big deal. We litter every time we explore. The moon has tons of our junk on there, and so does Mars. It would be nice if we brought back what we would send to other celestial bodies so that we could leave them the way we found them.

I love it. I also love how they try to cover things live by using someone else's coverage, making it not live at all.

Schooled in an internet comment thread? First, that doesn't even make any sense. Maybe it does to you because you live online. Second, how was I schooled? I was schooled because you're some scrawny redneck Georgia racist who only has one insult because he's afraid to say anything harsher? Please, boy.

So did Gizmodo get an invite this time, or will you be covering the event "live" by gleaning info from other live blogs, thus not actually being live at all?

It still does not read correctly. "...with a tiny fetus it has apparently just given birth also." How does that read correctly. It should still be "to". "...with a tiny fetus it has apparently just given birth to."

You're funny. I should kill myself because you don't like what I said on some little web site? Maybe you should stop living your life online and get out into the real world so you realize how insignificant everything online is. There is a whole world out there to see. Crawl out from your momma's basement and learn

This site is not so much a technology website as it is a gossip rag these days.

I recommend you learn what Gangnam Style actually is so you stop using it improperly.

No we don't. that system sucked and gave power hungry cunts like tony Kaye too much power. Plus all those losers with their stars trying so hard to keep them because it was the only thing they had going on in their lives. I bet you at least one killed themselves when stars were removed.

"...with a tiny fetus it's apparently just given birth too."

Sorry, being black lets me discriminate against others since it's happened to me all my life. Tit for tat.

Unlike Europe, we have lots of space and aren't crammed into ridiculously narrow row houses.

Why not kill yourself now and get a head start if you are so concerned about overpopulation?