Lesilie Horn is Super Sexy

They are behind the ball. Best Buy and Futureshop in Canada already price match any other retailer, be it online or not, and not just for the holidays. I wish retailers in this country would get on the ball.

So now you play the racist card, calling me a skid mark because I'm black?

If he looked at it quickly, he wouldn't have posted that it's hard to tell if it's real life or not. He would say that looking at it quickly it looks real.

You expect these idiots to know the difference between a fish and a mammal?

Since when do you need optical out for surround sound. I get surround sound on everything that's connected to my receiver via HDMI. Geez...

Actually, it's quite easy to see that it's not real life.

Fuck deaf people. They are not entitled to a private company catering to their every whim. It's the company's choice, and they if they want deaf customers, they will take the initiative.

It is a literary figure, but it's also something that will decide our fate for us. Be it a huge meteor or a natural disaster that is large enough to cause a chain of events to occur, I don't have the illusion of grandeur that most people have about humans. Sure, we are the most innovative, but we are the most

Please. My dad was a hero. When is the last time you risked your life running into a burning house to save a two-year-old and have it be just another day on the job? Nice try, fag.

We won't We'll end up wiping ourselves out. That, or Mother Nature will decide our time is up. No matter how great we think we can be, we'll never be as great as Mother Nature.

My favourite thing about Garfield was the voice provided to him by Lorenzo Music.

Sony is out to fucking lunch. Someone who acted in one of their commercials is now not allowed to be in other commercials because he looks the same?

But that's a college. Colleges are usually populated with regular people from regular middle class families. Universities are pricier, so you get more hoity-toities and spoiled rich kids who feel guilt about their privileged life and thus turn into hippies, and do stupid things like this.

Nope. Car accident. She wasn't stupid enough to get cancer like Jobs was.

Since this has the title of "The Best of Kotaku", there should be nothing in the article. It should be empty.

Only worthless Montreal Canadiens players (that is, all of them).

Those first two babes need to be fisted nice and deep. Oh, yeah....

No kidding. Considering that Nintendo hasn't started advertising it, most people won't know about it. I am sure Game Informer also edited the video together to only show the people saying no. As far as we know, they could have asked 600 people, and the only ones who said no were these people.

Make me, cunt.

Nice try, but she died 7 years ago. Steve Jobs should have died 30 years ago.