What do you have from 2004 that has 300 hp? A V8 Mustang?
TVRs don't survive 25 years. It's a catch-22.
I love that the new standard for turbocharged 2.0s is 300+ hp. SCIENCE.
I usually don't care for this sort of thing, but I think the paint job looks just gorgeous on this car for some reason.
And it was literally fantastic and perfectly stable for me.
Better behind than in front!
Remove all videos without Leo and replace with videos of Leo.
Needs moar Leo. Those videos are amazetastic.
Remove all videos without Leo, plz.
I spy a grump! Nay, a GAME GRUMP
I don't buy new games (I waited over a year to get Skyrim, ugh) but this year I treated myself to a pre-order.
It was Batman: Arkham Origins.
Prayer circle?
Can I vote for Leo?
Seriously, it's like they completely lost their imagination for how to avoid making Majora's Mask 3D / HD.