Leoz96, It's a Car!

Looks like it would be right at home on the GBA.

god damn it, why isn't BLACK 2 happening? WHYYYY?!

Yeah... no.

About the same price as an Audi R8 V10... but more practical, better economy, kinder to the environment, looks better, not much lost in terms of performance, and (most importantly) you can annoy the living shit out of Prius drivers with this ("50 mpg? Oh, that's cute...")

Booker, catch!!

You must be confused. This is Grand Theft Auto.

Well its part of the Core xbox experience now so #dealwithit

I'm definitely not a fan of the Windows 8 influence.

I find it wonderful when large game companies support fan-made and indie projects like this.

Nice. I thought I was the only one who liked magikarp!

It has to stay to the very left of the frame.


All in favor of "Xbox Infinity" over "Xbox One" say "aye." Aye!

Are you SURE it's not gonna be called Halo One?

I'm all for a good moan, being British, but seriously Internet, it's:

These guys would awesome lets players on youtube. How laid back the guy seems (Almost in a sinister way.) while the other being terrified makes it hilarious. I wanna see them play games like Silent Hill, Castlevania, Lollipop Chainsaw and Kirbys Epic Yarn. (WOAH, DID YOU JUST EAT THAT GUY?!?)

Cable news finds out that you can run over people in real life. No one cares.

Wouldn't it be cool if there ever was another Mother game on current gen consoles/handhelds that had these graphics? It seems charming and quirky enough to fit the series!