Seriously I would gladly pay $30 just for the beta with 2 maps, it's so much fucking fun.
Seriously I would gladly pay $30 just for the beta with 2 maps, it's so much fucking fun.
You're welcome dude ;)
I have a teeerrible winning percent, something like 40%, but I always manage to be the best player on my team, on Cod or Bf3 I'd usually end up being like the 8th place so yeah, I suppose this game is pretty easy, and pretty fucking fun as well :p
Here's a tip, email the guys at EA Help and ask politely, they'll send you one. Or you could just wait until the beta goes open. Our you could just wait until the game comes out, it's up to you.
That only works with EXCLUSIVE betas, this one is pretty much open to anybody, I emailed EA support and asked politely for one and they activated it on my account, it's really easy.
I Emailed EA and asked for a key politely and they just activated it on my account, fucking idiots xD
Send an Email to EA, they'll give you one
Yeah that clears it up better, thanks.
I thought this was a completely new model, and not just a version of the 12c, still pretty cool
I know it's to stress test servers, but there's people like me with shitty internet that will take a lot of time downloading the 12 gb the beta weighs.
it likes to fuck... wait
Naah not really, you could just buy a ps4 and keep the ps3 for the same price
Look Nintendo, Sony made 2 Killzone games, 2 Infamous games, 3 Uncharted games and 3 LittleBigPlanet games for the PS3. Microsoft made 4 Halo games and 4 Gears of War games for the Xbox 360. You make 10000 Mario games and maybe 1 game for your other ips. Look at the Wii, both Starfox and Pikmin completely non existent…
port fire red to ios/android and just add touchscreen controls and 16:9 aspect ratio (Don't fuck it up like Squeenix fucked up FF 6), wait for the millions of dollars to appear.
Well, Pixar has been a bit shitty lately
"- A misspelling of the term "Esper" has been corrected."
Dude that EVA-01 is one of the most badass things i've seen in a while! It's just so awesome
Give the console at $250-$270 with 2 games (example: Mario 3d World and Smash, or Mario 3d World and MK8). Make an addon to play 3ds games on the Wii U. Add N64 and gamecube titles to the virtual store. Make eshop games cheaper. New Star Fox (with deep multiplayer functions similar to a Cod game), New Metroid (fps…
I think I just fell in love, this thing is awesome!
I have to give you credit, that was pretty awesome lol