Leoz96, It's a Car!

Yeah, pretty much Harvest Moon, except for some of the boring farming chores (I never got into that with Harvest Moon though, if they introduced something like that with animal crossing I'd probably like it). This game is basically just about chilling around, meeting people, doing them favors, getting a life, etc etc

Shit, I had forgotten about the F12 :1 , I didn't even remember how it looked like, Ferrari has been doing a lot of stuff lately.

Looks like a generic car from a video game :1 like GTA IV/Saints Row the third, it looks soooo familiar.

I've got Fat PS2 and Fat Jap PS3 (very 1st gen)

I'd go safe and say that will actually be the slim version.

PS3 SSS confirmed.

Yup, as Sempai says, it's the kind of stuff you should get for for free or get paid for to play.

Seriouslt? The original game looks like Quake fucking 4, at least they are doing a great job with the lighting

Doesn't look good on my 1080 widescreen :( I haz a sad.

DUDE relax! I didn't say anything bad about the NES Max! It was fucking awesome i know...

You are telling me the N64 one is better than the GC one...? I mean I know the GC doesn't have brilliant controls but most of the fun I had with the N64 was figuring out how to freaking hold the controllers...

Wouldn't that be like including the NES Max?

The PS3 and 4 will have a veeeery very very different architecture so I don't think it could be possible.

I like this thing as a side dish to a X360/720, Ps3/4, Wii U or Living Room PC, but if the devs start talking like it's going to be the competition It's totally another way... :1

Btw, BMW just got a big fan, and that kid just got what has to be one of the most awesome childhood stories ever.

:D thaaaaanks


WHY ARE PEOPLE SO BITCHY LATELY?? First they starting trying to ban every single fucking video game, for violence and racism and now they are calling sexual assault on this?? Fuck it man, just stop advertising and releasing shit, people would be happier apparently.

Also Last of Us and Project CARS

A 6850 is actually pretty good, and should run skyrim even higher than medium but getting another 6850 is still a great idea right now since they may release the 8xxx series soon and it could be more difficult to get a 6850.