You don't seem to understand the sarcasm against you...
You don't seem to understand the sarcasm against you...
Ugh, yeah, keep shitting on the Wii U Kotaku! Great job! Can't you guys just say a nice thing about it? You're talking about it like haters, or even worse dude, most X360 and PS3 fanboys I've met have said nicer things about the Wii U than you do. And if you're not going to say something good about it, atleast admit…
Alright alright, it's better than what I've seen of the Ouya. Happy? (:
Yeaaaah I know, still, a gaming system $100 dosn't seem like a good idea in any aspect. At that price nothing is going to accomplish expectations...
Well, at $100 it's still better than the Ouya...
Yeah, they are, but maybe they don't have PCs powerful enough to play @1080p, they are the kind of people who think they can run anything on an Athlon and an Nvidia GeForce from 2004.
Hey! Not everyone can play at 1080p buddy
Well the "affordable rig", just a recomendation, personaly, I would get a 500w PSU and get a medium spec GPU, like a Radeon 7770, or something to crossfire with the APU, Ive seen plenty of APUs working alone and they are not that great, sure, price will increase a lot, but almost no one is going to buy that $100 Win8…
The main problem I had with these games is that I have a Japanese PS3 Fat, in japanese PS3s, X and O are switched in most of the menus, but not for MW2, sometimes the game told you to press certain button when you actually had to press another one, it was a mess...
If there was an option to deactivate it I would totally. It's not that they look baaaad but they just look sort of mashed up and excessive, and I would probably get a better fps...
Dude the guy who took the photo has the same specs, he said he could get max 30fps with that grass :1
Please enter some text.
680MX?? That shit will get a Hot Pocket ready in seconds!
Well, FO3 works a bit unstable on W7 so I don't know what could happen with W8 and all of that, but on the hardware side the Surface Pro's 4000HD graphics could maybe run FO3 on medium/high @ lower resolutions (720p or something)
Are these guys still in? (:
Cum on dude, puns? seriously?
Heh, the Ipad is becoming like the Nintendo DS, release a new one each 10 seconds, not really complaining, just saying this may become a problem with some software compatibility later.