Leoz96, It's a Car!

That's why we can't have nice things. Damn you Microsoft.

*not cool brz :)

Flipped, inside out... haha yes...

Hoplon shield beyatch.

Will it blend? Will it run Crysis? Does it look like a bitch? Tonight, on Top Gear!

How does it compare to a 6870 (Sapphire)?

Costa Rica. Seriously, if you're looking for one of these, just come to Costa Rica with $500.

There ya go.


Oh yeah! and leave the Wii U specs for next year, no prob!

You know, im just waiting for Rare to go all pheonix and make a full hd remake of Perfect Dark, or atleast a precuel or something, that game is just one hell of an original FPS.

On a side note, I strictly recommend not to GIS "Ass Bar"...

"ASBR"... it will take a long time before i get used to that name... D:

Or how everything on the n64 was called something 64. And pretty much the same with the wii, thank god it didn't happen with the cube D:


Dude who gives a fuck about the owner, owned by bill gates or not, it's still a great price. And hoonage isn't always car abuse, it depends on your point of view.

You seem to know as much about coupes as BMW (jk)