Leoz96, It's a Car!
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But seriously, by the time it makes its way into pc (if that happens) it will already be on PSN.

Still, way better love story than twilight.

Btw, note to Nintendo: Let Retro Studios make the next Metroid.

Seriously, what the fuck.

If I have to hear that fucking noise everytime i kill someone i'm going to commit suicide.

Hey, that could be kinda cool; imagine the truck wasn't stolen, you bury and maybe buy an old beetle and "let it rot" so when you open the hood you can go to a secret tunnel to the back of the truck, best mancave ever.

I'm going more or less Enthusiast but with a sapphire radeon 6870, any opinions/ideas?

Oh, someone had already used the Carlton, guess I'll use the b13 Sentra Se-R

The Carlton, such an amazing car...

Snake is back, indeed.

Oh god I hate those pictures SO MUCH, if my hate against this fuckers could be measured it would certainly be over 9000.

I LOL'ed hard.


I seriously read Cumout instead of Gumout.

Oh god, this is great!

I seriously expected a lot less from the 1M, but it's just pure awesome.

Haha Awesome! HC for you sir!

Dude, why that image? Those chromed wheels look odd, and it's not a fastback!

Dude... the fuck? it doesn't always work like that, and don't caps lock so much, it's wierd.