
Right? Like goddamn Madeleine, maybe sit a few plays out.

This is possibly the most humorless thing I’ve read in a while. “#Adulting” is obviously a joke, meant to be taken as such. Most of the time I see it, it’s used by the person saying it to skewer themselves for being childish or lazy, not to garner praise.

I know we are all probably still traumatized by the Lindsey Lohan biopic, but I would watch the ever-loving hell out of Dallas Buyers Club 2: White Diamonds.

Given everything that asswipe of an ex put her through she can post obnoxious pictures of this wedding forever as far as I’m concerned.

Hey man, sometimes a rug can really bring a room together.

Yeah, I really want more explanation as to why she considered this a “necessary” conversation. Because I don’t get it. It seems like a recipe for making both people in the relationship feel like shit.

“These weren’t conversations we wanted to have, but they were necessary.”

Noooo ... The radical feminists that run Hollywood are rounding up all copies right now (even yours! and no more streaming!). When the reboot is finished, all copies of old Ghostbusters will be thrown into Pele's mouth while Adele plays.

The more I think about a gender swapped Sex and the City, the more I am intrigued. I'm just picturing a dude obsessed with shoes and his tumultuous relationship with a powerful, wealthy, commitment-phobe lady in a power suit.

This is why we should have been more cautious about letting ladies become legislators.

There were some pretty big errors in there. I believe that should actually read, "A common story among parents who have estranged adult children is how much the parent makes themselves out to be the victim, made the adult child solely responsible for any wrongdoing — and often how they themselves are actually a

I love the saying, "those who love brutal honesty are more interested in the brutality than thr honesty".

Honestly, I have never gotten her appeal. She's always come across to me as somebody who's kinda attractive but dying to be gorrrrgeous, kinda well-known but dying to be faaaaaamous, kinda amusing but dying to be hilaaaaarious. Basically, "a desperate and irritating compulsive over-reacher."

While Boehm's words are ill-considered, they are obviously born of the frustration of having Manbook overwhelmed by women mistakenly attempting to procure the services of male escorts.

My balls fit in a guy's mouth on the regular. They don't need that much room.

Women shouldn't even be allowed to take public transportation, because our menstruation attracts bears and that's putting everyone at risk. Biology.

Can you imagine if Kim Kardashian was secretly a genius, and has been trolling us the entire time?

1) After the vines of his kid, I became an Andrew Hawkins fan

...yes. The government built the roads and the bridges. Rich people didn't fucking build society, and at this point the vast majority of them aren't its vital organs, they're its tapeworms. I'm glad you realize that (no, you don't).

Please explain to me how his conversation with Beck was not masturbation.