
Must Find......Barrels.....

That's not cosplaying. Kirby clearly swallowed a Space Marine.

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Am I the only one who read this article with this theme stuck in their head?

  • How to activate caps lock

Well hello there Mr. half cup full.

A shark you say? Nope, can't say I've seen one. Haven't seen an octopus father either. Are you feeling alright?

You'll never gonna' guess this one!

hidden the best way I know how

Why? Women who get catcalled are regular women so if you reverse it it makes sense to do it to 'regular' guys. It's about illustrating the behavior not getting revenge.

I love the Everyday Sexism Project, and I like this idea - but there's no guarantee that the guys who are the 'victims' here are the jerks who catcall, etc. What I'd like to see is a bunch of workers who are known, personally, for catcalling to be subjected to this at random and see how they react.

Draw me like one of your French Girls!

You didn't rike it!?

Coming soon for only 29.99!!

"Oh god same old crap all over again" — things I have never said about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
