

Day 1 PS4 owner and have no intent on ever getting an Xbone, but figured it was at least worth mentioning for the people that want to know what deals have been available so they can set their own personal goal.

Or you could buy a PS4. Up to you I guess.

Definitely more interesting, it seems like instead of being in a game world, it's more like what if the gameworld became real?

They smell like fries!

Actually, Fun comes second, silly Square-Enix.

So NOW is this game worth buying?

Game on

No RIOT option?

That would actually have been useful a little over 14 years ago!

Can't believe i actually clicked on that

you know who never wins at "Female Armor Bingo"?

You went with Z Gundam? Come on, grandpa...

Oh, fuck off.

Coming soon, Dorkly Presents 12 Years A Pokemon...

If you buy a Mac for gaming I don't know what to say to you.

The very fact that this article was written is ridiculous to me. It should be titled 12 games you can play on a Mac.