If what you do gets you paid regularly...it's a real job.
And what makes this job any worse than stacking shelves at a supermarket?
but you can say that for any job.....
Parasite Eve, GTA, GTA3, GTA4, Fallout 3, Crysis 2/3, The Darkness, Crazy Taxi, Mafia 1 & 2, Duke Nukem, Deus Ex, The Last of Us, Asassin's Creed 3, Max Payne 1 & 2, Indigo Prophecy, Punisher, Alone in the Dark, Turning Point, Prototype 1 & 2, the Driver games, pretty much every Spider-man game, etc.
Antonio Banderas has finally made it to the big time. Congratulations, Antonio.
A accidentally did a sextuple post before.