
It's to prevent confusion over communications sent, Thanks sounds too much like Tanks to be used reliably.

Don't want the enemy to think we have weaknesses like politeness!

I am dead serious.

He's a famous baseball player.


well, that's my point, you get access to the park, as anybody else who also paid the same amount, so if people want to Cosplay, awesome! pictures , awesome! but don't use it as your personal backyard. Unless you go and strike a deal to close an area, and pay the required fee. Same thing if is a public park.

Hah, so I just had to turn my headphones down really quiet at work so I could watch someone touch a vegetable. That's a new kind of #NSFW for sure!

impossible not to smile at this


Not with this much swigiddy-swoogidy-swag.

Just watching the carnage from over here.

In addition to that list, Scrapped Princess and Outlaw Star.

What is this, a list for ants?!

Lightning at the moment. Or square in general. Damn, that's so meta.

Yes. He also starred in his own Famicom game. It is notorious.


comedy gold

Found the problem.