
You got it bro.

More like creepy 80's Van Halen roadie and drunken fan that was promised a "backstage pass"

Time to revisit Hekseville ...

EA has just released the covers featuring the North Korean stars of each sport:

it was the first thing that crossed my mind...

messi reminds me of michael cera for some reason. *shrugs*

You got to be serious when you take on the Monstars. #GOTY

"This is an art gallery, my friend, and these are pieces of art."

Those icy death stares. :S

I'm sorry about the inverse blackface

Looks the same to me. If you think you can tell the difference, you're obviously a fanboy.

I would have added Heavy Rain.

Saw this:

Will you just shut up? Please.

Right? All he needed to do was make her barefoot and only appear in the Kitchen Level and we'd be set.

I can't wait to play the game to find out his "totally deep and understandable reasoning" behind this...