
Really disappointed. I was hoping they would add another sp rpg to their ip's like mass effect and dragon age but I guess that kind of creativity is long gone.

Yeah, it looks like modern day Gauntlet..... Not that impressive.... Then again, all know that the talent level at Bioware is pretty much nonexistent....

Agreed. I know this is Alpha (so that might explain the jerky camera and poor looking graphics) but the premise looks weak. Oh look, we reskinned typical fantasy RPG characters into modern day office suits and punk outfits and borrowed the premise of L4D or Evolve! Yawnsville.

Bear in mind this is Bioware Austin - not the main Bioware studio. The only thing the Austin studio have done before this was The Old Republic MMO.

Any one else think this looks incredibly lame, especially for a Bioware game?

Yes! I grew up in the US but live abroad now. My internet is way faster than it was in the US, I don't have to deal with the same bullshit (fuck you, Comcast), and all for the price of $15 / month (which I split with others). Oh, and I never have to worry about downloading.

Infuriating strawmen. "Pi is not special because most people don't understand what they're talking about" isn't really an interesting argument. The same argument can be applied to pretty much anything and everything. Saying why Pi isn't special is the same as saying why math irrational numbers in general aren't

Am I the only one who's never had an issue with backlog?

Yeah, I was just horrified to see that. Even Grand Theft Auto V was more innovative, but the game that really deserved it IMO was The Stanley Parable. That is just PURE GENIOUS.

I'm still struggling to see where the racism comes into play here. He never made a reference to race. I find it rather unsettling when a negative comment about a person, that just so happends to be black, would equate to racism for some people.

The fact that he struggled with 25 whole pages sure does suggest that reading isn't his strong suit! :/

Am I the only one who noticed how young all those guys looked?

Agreed. I have no interest in playing EVE. I watched a friend play it once, and then he started to explain to me how training on skills happened when you logged off and <snore>

Most of their selections are abysmal.

I'm so disappointed at the selections. That "Bees!" one has been circulating for years now, wth?

The game's ui pretty much is an overlay for spreadsheets, though. Remove the pretty space graphics, and what you have is a whole bunch of objects and their relative positions to each other.

Yes, he broke the NDA. The biggest flaw with this is that Kotaku not only posted it, but he showed his gamertag. He's fucked.

I have mixed feelings about this article.

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