Agreed. Also the movie was bad to the point of unwatchable. Just a vessel into which to pour his by now utterly banal and predictable fixations.
Agreed. Also the movie was bad to the point of unwatchable. Just a vessel into which to pour his by now utterly banal and predictable fixations.
So, if a guy’s favorite author is Bret Easton Ellis I know to back away.
“I’m pretty disgusting too.”
-Wei-Yin Chen
I’ve never been into the show. To me, it always reminded me of when every comic book decided to go “grim and gritty” in the 90s. One most juvenile things to believe is that constant senseless hopelessness and violence are somehow inherently mature. It’s a 13 year old boy’s vision of what adult art should be like.
Lol, what? When did the Tesla become the most prestigious car in the world?
Not at all. Jonathan Chait, for example, seems terribly oversensitive.
If you think that only 10% of feminists are rational and make sense, you are either hanging out with mostly shitty people who themselves don't understand feminism or it's your own understanding of feminism that is suspect. I'll be the first to call out nonsense when I see it, feminist or otherwise, but I'm very…
Complaints about political correctness always, always boil down to 'Boo, I'm now expected to think about things before I say them! I have to consider the feelings and experiences of people who aren't me! I can't just stomp around saying and doing whatever I like any more, except actually I can, because there is literal…
Argonaut all men.
That is not how the carbon tax works. You won't be paying more taxes. The carbon tax is net neutral in taxation. What it does is moves taxation from the principal of earning to the principal of consumption. Aka, you get rid of parts of the income tax and replace it with the carbon tax.
He's going to have a hard next few weeks of Jury Doodie
If that is what you want, go read another website.
Here at Deadspin we generally assume that our readers are at least somewhat intelligent people. A lot of other sites dumb down content or write for an audience of morons: we don't do that. But because we've gotten at least one dumbass e-mail, and some dumbass comments and tweets, I'm going to explain why what Ed…
Are you invoking not believing global warming exists in an attempt to SUPPORT your position?
your definition of lofty standards is what some might call a low fucking bar to hop over. Game development is hard. Making games that respect female characters isn't.
"Excuse me waiter, this food you've brought me is rotten." "Open your own restaurant!"
Who wants to read some internal emails that make the NCAA look incompetent, reactionary, and completely unable to justify its own authority?
These people want to have their cake and eat it too in almost every conceivable way.
They want games to be considered art, but they don't want to have to have games be critically analyzed in any way that makes them uncomfortable.
They want to be viewed as a huge powerhouse of a consumer base that cannot be ignored, but…
Gamers: "We want games to be considered Art!"