
When Game of Thrones first started, it added a mix of political intrigue and adult themes to a fantasy setting which I think general audiences hadn’t seen before. (I would guess that, until that point, the most familiar work of fantasy to most people was the Lord of the Rings.) Speaking personally, I would say that

“Shakespearean” bridge fog??

It seemed odd to me when Logan blocked Kendall. In response to what, his stunt at the podium? Kendall’s tribute to past victims of Waystar came across as too silly and ineffectual to justify the seriousness and finality of Logan’s gesture. It’s certainly nowhere near as grave a blow as numerous others Kendall has

I’m pretty sure Oscar Isaac’s character says “We should’ve done that a long time ago,” not “You should’ve done that a long time ago.”

I’d add Christian Bale who, I’d argue, only seems like a good actor if you mistake constipation for intensity.

Beats brain damage.

White people will be a plurality, not a minority. When people say that whites will be a minority, part of me thinks that it’s a bit pedantic to point out that this is wrong. But part of me thinks this mistake is telling, because it shows that many really do think of race relations as “whites vs. everyone else.”

I’m not sure why you would think the burden of proof here isn’t on you instead.

What counts as private and public on the internet?

It has struck me that many Americans are sufficiently far removed from their claimed European heritage that, had their parents told them they had some other ancestry (German rather than English, say), they would have believed that just as well—i.e. because there’s nothing in the actual culture of their upbringing or

Is there any actual evidence against him, or is it just accusations.

Even if some things are disrespectful in certain cultures and not others, this seems like an terribly poor candidate. What motive or sentiment could plausibly be attributed to Yuli here that doesn’t involve racial mockery? I mean really, what is the non-racist interpretation you have in mind?

The closet scene from “The Ring.”

Even if one were sympathetic to complaints about excessive political content, this would be a weird occasion for it. Are you really disputing that this story concerns sports?

I don’t know that I would describe Tesla enthusiasts as strongly “left/liberal/democrat.” I certainly wouldn’t describe general car enthusiasts that way.

The magical elements of the movie (e.g. the amulet) seem all the more out of place given that what makes the rats of NIMH special is precisely that they have acquired the gift of rationality and scientific ingenuity.

I don’t understand how there’s supposed to be a play in Cersei’s false pledge to go north with Daenerys and Jon. As if the lie won’t immediately be obvious? (“Oh, go ahead you guys, I’ll catch up!”) It’s also strange that she would do this only after her one-on-one with Tyrion.

I really doubt that—that is, I doubt that gamers’ bodies adapt in response to playing games as to exercise, their elevated heart rate notwithstanding. That sounds about as plausible as improving one’s VO2 max by watching scary movies or taking caffeine pills.

Robotics are the future of manufacturing and production, from farming to truck driving. Having a huge population isn’t required to sustain economic needs as much as it once was - at least in this country.

I could be convinced that Sansa’s rape wasn’t gratuitous, but whether that scene reflects the book, or even improves upon it, strikes me as irrelevant to this question.