
Wow. This brought back memories. We used to play Romans & Christians at Christian summer camp. The camp counsellors would play the Romans that were trying to jail the Christians, aka campers. The only way out of jail was to "convert" the guards by convincing them Jesus was the son of God. Blah, blah, blah. Best game

I thought it was adequately addressed. I'm happy it was enforced throughout the movie and it was simplified for children. If that is the stereotype that Disney wants to play up, I've seen them do worse. I actually made my current partner sit through it to appreciate some Chinese culture other than food. What can I

Are you Chinese? Honor is a large part of Chinese culture and it was good that it was addressed in the movie. The official term is filial piety. It is considered a virtue in Chinese culture to honor and respect your elders and ancestors. As an ABC, it is something I recognize that is missing within American culture.

Yes. If you're going to give your children milk it should be whole milk. And no. They shouldn't be drinking the industrial produced milk served at schools. It's full of hormones and antibiotics. If it's not certified organic I wouldn't drink it let alone have my children drink it. The USDA and milk industries have

And yet, you're both here reading and commenting.

Too be fair, didn't they have Michele Bachmann on the House Intelligence Committee last term? Hahaha. I just made myself laugh.

The people that watch Fox News don't do the same kind of travel that the people you meet do. When I travel, alone or with friends, I like to backpack and meet people and discuss political differences and world views. The last time I traveled with my mother it was on a fancy, packaged African safari full of white,

It depends on what you use them for. They're not meant to be used to chill anything. Their purpose is to be cool enough to open up certain bourbons or whiskey without watering them down. If your dad likes his drink neat, I say go for them. If he likes his drink on the rocks I would say no. I saw a bar use a baby food

I'm too lazy to make a meme, but I find myself picturing the Willy Wonka meme with a quote similar to, "Oh white people are upset about cultural appropriation. Please tell me more."