It also takes two minutes to understand that the originating event behind all of this was some jilted ex's sleazy gossip,
It also takes two minutes to understand that the originating event behind all of this was some jilted ex's sleazy gossip,
I think that, to be fair, that comes from Sports reporters coming from a love of sport, and gaming journos coming from a love of games. However, there are passionate movie-hype reviewers if you know where to look. You just don't see it in print, really.
I can't disagree with what you've written, but I'd say the corruption can swing too far in the other direction as well eg. op-ed "Gamers are dead" articles followed by vitriolic tweets designed to paint criticism of journalism in the worst possible light. There has to be some middle ground between PR spin-doctor and…
Escapist? Bridge built. Totilo himself asking a GG woman about her received harassment ? Bridge building.
I agree with everything you're saying so I don't really know where the disagreement lies?
posted to wrong message.
1. They are as much as they can. People have been doing this repeatedly, vocally and its easy to see on the tag. This tells me you aren't speaking from a position of knowledge, just parroting what other detractors have said.
I guess I'm just a bit more cynical, as I suspect if things moved the way you suggest, harassment would go back to being fringe-knowledge.
They'd just be carrying as they usually do, outside the tag, except it wouldn't be widely reported because the 'story' of the tag would no longer exist.
I agree with much of what you've said, but the point is that some are labelling 'gamers' as the attackers here as if that's their defining point. Also I don't think saying 'harassment of people/devs is bad' is a difficult way to account for every possible permutation.
For some of these shows, it's like Friends never happened. People forget how inclusive and fair it was to the female characters on that show.
Anecdotally, just watching the pre-game show for the NFL patriots game on Fox right now (don't ask why if I'm in the UK: its my job, it's complicated), and during a skit of some kind, a fat wife joke was made. There you go, I guess!
Mainly because you referenced Anita herself, I read this today and thought it was interesting:
Sure, I think it's definitely worse in the US. You only have to turn on Fox news, look at frat culture, the pagenting, the prevalent conservative Christian structure etc... and I guess in contrast to that you have the big coastal States/cities which are far more liberal-minded (although..still fairly right of centre,…
Goal post shift much? Theres outcry, theres exposing and reporting. But of course, its not 'powerful' whatever the fuck that means.
I did, of course. Reported long before I replied to you. Where do you go from here, exactly?
Gonna help, then?
If we stepped out, there'd be no one to curtail/report the harassers.
The Verge has become a tabloid rag.