Mainly because you referenced Anita herself, I read this today and thought it was interesting:
Mainly because you referenced Anita herself, I read this today and thought it was interesting:
Sure, I think it's definitely worse in the US. You only have to turn on Fox news, look at frat culture, the pagenting, the prevalent conservative Christian structure etc... and I guess in contrast to that you have the big coastal States/cities which are far more liberal-minded (although..still fairly right of centre,…
Goal post shift much? Theres outcry, theres exposing and reporting. But of course, its not 'powerful' whatever the fuck that means.
I did, of course. Reported long before I replied to you. Where do you go from here, exactly?
Gonna help, then?
If we stepped out, there'd be no one to curtail/report the harassers.
The Verge has become a tabloid rag.
Cards on the table, I' don't consider myself anti-feminist, but then what I think of as feminism, you may not. The trouble with feminism is its multifaceted.
Well, guess what chuckles:
Yeah, its me speculating its the same person, as were many others. The wording suggests it.
I was thinking people who don't like to see gratuitous written threats, but if you want to see it, look up the user @GGfeminist on Twitter. Referenced 23hrs ago, not far down her feed.
Are they psychos because they are gamers? Are they psychos because they use the hashtag? Or were they psychos anyway? I think you know the answer. Why ascribe power or will to gamers they simply don't have? They have consumer power only.
Well it wasn't coined in a marketing meeting, tbh. Its a grass-roots consumer revolt.
I agree, but its misidentifying the tree which is 'the internet', not 'gamers' or a twitter hashtag.
Its a suffix to mean 'scandal', as in Watergate.
That's hefting a lot of responsibility on those that have no reason to expect it or know how to apply it. Can we not just condemn it along with everyone else and let law enforcement do its job? We aren't all fucking Batman.
Psychos sending messages on the internet aren't likely to say such things in public. The mistake here, and what lets them 'win' is saying things like 'what is wrong with the rest of you?' They aren't the rest of anything. They are apart. They are the exception and the freak.
I hope they catch the fucker. It looks like the EXACT SAME person targeted a GamerGate female a few weeks ago, as well. I'd post the screenshot, but don't want to upset people, tbh.
Commendable, Stephen. Godspeed.
'queen of worms' looks very Sylvanas-based.