Literally every game you mentioned showed absolutely nothing new. None of them brought anything to to the table we haven't seen before. Open-world Zelda? That's messing with the status quo.
Literally every game you mentioned showed absolutely nothing new. None of them brought anything to to the table we haven't seen before. Open-world Zelda? That's messing with the status quo.
I know right? I was like THATS THE EXACT SAME SQUID ENEMY FROM MARIO! And they act like it was a moment of clarity or something. Same goes for the gameplay, which is clearly Mario Sunshine inspired.
Yeah, I think the whole 'curse' or 'alternate powers' thing would do more harm than good, however if it was just an aesthetic thing like a magical mask for fun or to get characters to react to you differently, sure why not.
Or, what they should do, is a Sheik/Zelda spin-off where she has to rescue him. A THOUSAND AND…
Anyone entertaining the idea that Link would be gender-swapped or that'd be a 'good idea' (er, for who exactly?) is out of their fucking minds. He's just younger than 'adult Link', is all.
We're only missing a new Metroid and we've got the whole Wii U set!
As fun as Sunset Overdrive looked, the announcement where he pointed at everyone in the audience going "YOU are the hero!" was just the worst.
As someone living in England, trust me you aren't alone up there in wanting stuff to be recognised outside of London! lol
might change if you become independent mate! ;-)
It's an overall good video, although he skimmed over what national insurance actually is (calling it a 'tax' made me twitch a bit), and the fact goes towards state pension funds as well.
It's welcome, but it is nowhere near a threat to Steam. It'll never see most new big-title games because those publishers/developers won't want to forego DRM.
Dietitian , not nutritionist .
Sorry, for some reason I thought you were implying that these things aren't fashionable any more, where as I was saying they exist and are there, its just GoG does it and everyone acts like they are the second coming. It'd been a long night!
You could do a Venn diagram of those PC gamers that avoid Ubisoft because of Uplay and those that avoid them because of bad optimisation. All this means is another group overlayed on to that diagram made up of AMD users.
And what if you lose or corrupt those backups? Look I'm not saying GoG are bad, I'm just saying they aren't any more immune to these things than Steam are.
Media is the one thing that we should be taking advantage of cloud-based account driven systems for. It's the ultimate in 'carry anywhere' space-saving (I actually…
yes you can, but the fact you feel that backing up those files is a necessity, undoes one of the primary benefits of using an online account-based service.
It's sad that logical decisions like optional clients and freedom of choice
Uplay should've done what Origin did for the most part and kept their games exclusive and left Steam altogether. At least then they might have been forced to spend some money/time on making it viable.
You NEED to go to the website. What's the difference?
While this is a good move for GoG, it's worth pointing out that DRM on Steam is optional on the part of the publisher/developer. Also, offline mode works.
Is it actually a better controller than the x360 one?