I thought the idea of something like a Barbie was the dress-up aspect. She's just a clothes-horse, like super models. They aren't supposed to be aspirations of body-type. I think this particular doll/toy/action figure is cool in its own way, though.
I thought the idea of something like a Barbie was the dress-up aspect. She's just a clothes-horse, like super models. They aren't supposed to be aspirations of body-type. I think this particular doll/toy/action figure is cool in its own way, though.
Thankfully, I know about periods - however, when my daughter was born no one told me or my gf that newborn girls have a kind of mini-period in the first few days as their hormones kick in (we got told literally everything else to expect), and the midwife just casually breezed over it when we pointed out that blood…
I always found the key was in positioning. If the recipient is lying down flat on the bed, you have to be on your knees off the bed to be comfortable for an extended period of time, or even better have the recipient above you while you lie down flat. Then it's just a question of writing the alphabet over and over with…
1. This probably won't be that great. The Last of Us is a collection of genre movies/tv homages (like most games are) and nowhere near as compelling an idea as the Bioshock movie was. It's a well-written game, I have my doubts it'll be up to stuff as a movie.
Yeah and how slapstick did that look in Driver? You really want that in your Batman game?
I'm thinking it'll be something like the Deuce from Brutal Legend, mechanically.
He's definitely due. We got a set-up for him in City.
You're talking about Origins, I believe. And that wasn't Rocksteady.
That was my first thought as well, but we don't want this turning into GTA with 'Batman' running over pedestrians for laughs. I'd rather we got the empty city at night again, if that's the alternative.
His absence is going to be crux of the story it seems like, which is pretty clever.
He will hopefully appear, as we got a great intro to him in City.
tbh, that was more WB montreal not having the balls to try something new, and played it safe instead. Rocksteady are better than that. Joker was a side villain with an epilogue in City, Strange was the big-bad.
Definitely get Asylum and City on PC. They are both Steamworks these days as well (they got rid of the awful GFWL), they look and play gorgeously and are both quite different in tone: Asylum = Die Hard, City = Die Hard with a Vengeance.
I originally played both on PS3, but have been playing them through again on PC and…
Someone should put him dazed like that with the nurses from Silent Hill. Suddenly not drunk... Creepy!
I seriously thought this was a joke post
I don't think Portal 2 should be on there, because it's an FPS and every 'non-gamer' I know just can't get a handle on first-person controls. I can confirm they don't mind watching it being played and calling out suggestions, though.
The dead mother one is clearly a rehashed idea from the movie Shutter.
So is Wahlberg playing the same character as the earlier movies, but retired?