
Hey everybody! Let's vote on the most horrible conspiracy theory of all time. This one's awful, and Obama's Kenyan birth certificate is racist as shit, and Holocaust deniers are no picnic, and blood libels get some kind of Horrible Conspiracy Theory Achievement Award, but I gotta give it to the Sandy Hook Truthers.

"You're really trying to get me fired, aren't you?"

Is your insomniac friend Swedish? Because if she's not, and doesn't live in Sweden or a similar country with universal health care, then that comparison makes no sense.

God forbid, these children should have to do anything that they don't want to do; it might hurt their feelings.

I think that mass punishment like this is kind of stupid, but as an adult who goes to work at a place where sometimes it is very warm, I have to make due without baring my shoulders or wearing short shorts. I don't think there's anything wrong with expecting kids to not bare too much skin at school; I mean the whole

It's never so hot that you can't cover your ass and stomach with a thin layer of cotton.

So if their was black majority at games, and suddenly more white people come, that doesnt count as more diversity?

Got it. Then what are the comparable sanctions? Should all the Coca Cola executives be forced out because they employ different means to get whites, blacks and hispanics to drink the same sugar water?

Your joke finally allowed me to put my History degree (concentration in Russian history) to use. Four years of my life thank you.

Head architect Grigory Potemkin has some really beautiful plans for it, though.

No white dancers!

wow. Can't win can she. If she uses "people of color" she is guilty of "cultural appropriation" (that's what Pol Pot did and was the main reason he was evil). If she doesn't use "people of color" at some point in the video she is being racist.

I am pretty certain there were white women in the mix anyway. I thought it was a cute song, throwaway pop, sure, but still cute. She represented all kinds of dance, didn't seem to be "appropriating" any of it, but rather was just having fun traveling through all the styles. She clearly wasn't in earnest as a hip hop

I'm all for pointing out cultural appropriation and calling out those who perpetrate it, but I fail to feel outrage over this video. I mean at least Taylor thinks that it's a dance equivalent to ballet and interpretive instead of going, "eww black girls shaking their asses, yuck". And if all the dancers were white,

Eh, place should have had a changing table.


you make no sense at all

Look, there's no indication that she's not perfectly in control right now. Are you really saying that because she's mentally ill, she's exempt from critique/mocking? That's pretty infantilizing.

So, should we simply shake out heads sadly and cross the street any time she issues a statement?

Now that Sinead has weighed in, I guess I'll shelve my debut album and wait until I'm an old weirdo that no one gives a shit about before I release anything.