So the 0-6 Bucs can get fans to show up at 5:20 a.m. on Monday, but the Rays who have made the playoffs three times in four seasons can't get fans to show up at 7:30 p.m. any day of the week?
You know, this is getting absurd. It's good damned advice. Period. It's not shaming, it's not putting the onus on the youngs to not get raped, it's saying "hey, head's up" and it's not bad advice.
Hey Jezz/Ms. Ryan -
If you believe my comment was rational and sound than I've proven you wrong.
You allow exemptions for inconvenience and eventually nobody will show up for jury duty. Nothing against breastfeeding, but it shouldn't magically trump the laws of a civilized society.
Seeing as how a happy trail is from your belly button down they dont really qualify as pubes...
Anybody who uses the phrase "Big Pharma" immediately loses credibility.
You would be wrong.
"I would go a step further and say, all other specifics being equal, including the PhD, a white and/or male scientist likely wouldn't have been asked to do his job for free in the first place,"
coincidentally enough, Patterson will have plenty of holes opened up for him in the coming years.
I hate anyone who makes Greg Schiano only the second most loathsome human being on Deadspin today.
I know that baseball is a game of inches, but I never realized quite how few.
He owns the team and will continue to do what he wants because he owns it. If you are so angry, maybe you can get Daddy Denton to pony up the cash to buy it. Then you can change it to the Washingtong Respect or whatever PC miserable name you can think up.
It's really been dialed back.
You like your illegal narcotics to come from nice people?
Don't try to understand Gawker's white guilt.
The SUV driver ran over a member of a mob, that was threatening his family after trying to illegally shut down a highway, in an attempt to escape said violent mob. Make sense now?
Arizona version of "If you find yourself in Lien's situation, I would advise that you:"