
Pretty much.

His wife, or sex workers.

I might be outing myself a bit here but I’ve discovered that Mommy-Play is the #1 male fantasy I’m asked for. I’m not exaggerating when I say that over 90% of the role-play I’m asked to do is Mommy/Mother role-play. It isn’t my thing so I don’t do it, but I’m asked about it multiple times a

They don’t want you fucking yourself either, you’ll go to Hell for that.

F*ck that F*cking F*cker

Absolutely heartbreaking...

Damn you’re right.

He lacks both the warmth and the depth

I was about to say the same thing.

What’s going to stop them from banning women from doing things that could harm a fetus, or even a *potential* fetus? There are already been cases of women being charged after having a miscarriage.

Want to drink, smoke, play sports, work out?
Better be ready to submit to a pregnancy test

They’re terrified there won’t be a mommy-replacement/f*ck-toy to take care of them when they need it. They need someone to raise their sons.

None of this anti-choice bullshit is about saving babies, its about trapping women in the house and keeping them there. Hard to have a career or even the courage to speak up to

They know bad things happen to good people, but they accept it because it’s “all part of God’s plan”.

Shame they don’t feel the same way when they get nut cancer

They’d get to the gates, see a brown Jesus and say they were in the wrong place.

No no...

You get them to dig the graves, *then* you shoot them.

If it does happen it’ll be an inside job made to look like an assassination. They’ll blame a minority for it (a trans, gay, Muslim, Mexican, undocumented immigrant who illegally voted Dem?) and use it to either ban protests, the free press, declare martial law, or something equally as heinous.

They wouldn’t even have

Trump is a reptilian wearing a man-suit.

It doesn’t produce anything and no one actually works there. It’s all lights on timers and cardboard cutouts a la Home Alone.

They’re the same ones who say “why did he run if he wasn’t guilty?!”

It’s mostly my grandparents generation (60s-80s) but their kids are leaning the same way.

I have extended family that believe Canada and the US are supposed to be Christian nations, that immigrants want to impose Sharia Law on everyone and anyone who disagrees or questions it is being led astray by Satan.

The “Screw you I got mine” mentality drives me nuts.