“You can’t have a dumpster fire in your yard without it effecting your neighbors.”
My answer to the “you’re not even American so f*ck off” comments I’ve gotten in the past few months.
I’m not even American and I’ve seen bible quotes popping up on my FB feed for months. Mostly this one...
“Let the women learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, …
The people who talk about the “good old days” don’t remember them, they’re remembering tv shows
Geez you’re strong. When I was your age I couldn’t carry $25 worth of groceries. You can carry them in one hand!
We fought the nazis. We won. Never thought we’d have to do it again.
- My Opa
Don’t want to be called racist?
Don’t say/do racist shit.
It doesn’t matter how little they have as long as someome (darker) has less.
“Ward: Where does it come from, all this hatred?
Anderson: You know, when I was a little boy, there was an old Negro farmer lived down the road from us, name of Monroe. And he was, uh, - well, I guess he was just a little luckier than my…
Makes sense.
Trump = man-sized orange genital wort
As the director? Yeah I think so
He looks like my Sir TophamCat!
That’s my mother, spot on.
I can’t imagine what it would be like to have to walk past protesters and people recording you. The Morgentaler clinic in Ottawa is right downtown
on Bank street, in an office building, a 5 minute walk from Impairment Hill* and you’d never know it was there.
I drove a friend and his girlfriend there for her…
My fiance says this all the time.
Their white Christian snowflake status?
I agree.
That’s when you take a screenshot and send it to his mother... and maybe his boss.
My daughter was riding her bike down the street when a dog ran out grabbed her leg and knocked her off her bike. I was walking about 20-30ft behind. The owner runs out, grabs her dog and ASKS THE DOG IF ITS OK.
I was livid. My daughter is scared and crying, and this bitch is concerned about her dog? When she said my…
Am I a bad person for kinda hoping the next woman he does to considers him an imminent threat and shoots him? I don’t mean in the head, cause that’s messy, a good leg wound would suffice.
I have a BIG issue with trespassers, especially ones that don’t take no for an answer.
Kinda sad, but, ...
My grandparents have a…
And how can a minor be left in the care of someone who’s gone out of their way to support that minor’s aggressor/rapist?