
I'm funny about clothes. I have nice-ish things that were given to me as gifts that I don't wear because I'm too scared I'll ruin them. I run errands and drive the kids to school in sweaters and hoodies because god forbid I should wear my 2-year-old-but-still-new winter coat and stain or tear it or something. Kicker

I know your pain. I have a MiL who loves gardening, decorating, and shopping, and can't understand why I don't. I say I hate shopping because I have novelty sized boobs, but a lot of it is because I just don't know what's trendy, or what's going to suit me, because I spent most of my teenage years skipping meals so I

Most of what I buy is brand-name because they're usually the only companies who give out decent coupons!

Ugh yes. I make as much as I can from scratch because I CAN. I have the time, space, utensils, and cash to buy in bulk & make most things, because I work part time from home and my kids are in school. When I was working 48 hours a week and still broke, I couldn't do most of what I do now. Being poor is a fucking

I bet if she wanted an abortion they'd say the same thing. HER situation is different, she's too young blah blah blah... All those other women are Slutty McSluts who should have kept their legs closed

(that's pretty much one whole side of my extended family. Crazy bible thumpers)

She looks like she's in the middle of a Jesus-gasm

Because secretly he wants to give the dick to his friends...

No. Greta was prettier and had a nicer personality

underage women banned from crossing state lines to get an abortion —-> mandatory pregnancy testing for underage women leaving the state —-> women banned from crossing state lines to get an abortion —-> mandatory pregnancy testing for women leaving the state

I'm glad I live in Ontario. I've said it here before, pretty soon we'll need another underground railroad.

OMG the pickled herring! I pick it up for my dutch grandfather when I see it (his local grocery store doesn't cary it), then put it in the cupboard without telling him. I can't stand the smell, and since it will stick up an entire floor of the house when opened, I wait till I'm halfway out the door before mentioning

chilly? Are you fucking me? While I agree 10 years is a bit much, it's just stupid to call it outrageous.

oh it sucks big time most days. Waiting another 3 years and then getting a reduction.

Bah... Slowing = slowly

You pretty much have to sleep on your side, or on your stomach with a pillow or two under your torso and head. You know that feeling after you've had a bad cold, and the muscles in your chest and back hurt just from breathing? That's how it feels when you wake up in the morning after falling asleep on your back.

If you watch the video you'll see that they're not really touching her as much as they're coming away from her body. Very much like gluing balloons to your chest. If they were natural, yeah, there'd be some serious boob-sweat going on.

Bah... double post

Invest in a sewing machine and take a few classes if you have time. Ive been a large-cup-small-band girl since high school, and learning how to move darts and do minor alterations saved me my sanity.

164XXX? How the hell do they come up with these (band) sizes??

I might complain about my novelty-sized boobs, but at least they didn't cost me $50k! Thank you Jebus!