
i hope you have a t-shirt or a mug to confirm that

your dad must be proud.

Thanks, broscience. Seems like exactly what i'm looking for

Can someone recommend an electric razor specifically for leaving a good amount of stubble? I've owned one electric razor that has a trimmer that flips out, but I don't usually find anything like that anymore. It's all trimmers that don't cut enough, or shavers that cut everything.

whether the lawsuits are legitimate or not, their presence lingers in every opportunity to get free money

just trying to fit in with the group of aspiring editors that comment on this site:

in polish, "chou" means misinterpretation

sadly there is never a time when making a comment like this is irrelevant. you might as well leave the same comment on every other story on the site

you don't know anyone that has different preferences and motivations from yourself? you must hang out with a bunch of yourselfs

amazon seems to hate on everything lately, too. have you seen all of the negative reviews for products on their site?!

i felt the same as you at first; i realized that my stupid texts full of fart jokes and visits to tumblr don't mean shit to an amorphous money collector, and surely everything that is so personal and important to me is really banal and innocuous to anyone else, but I think part of the concern isn't the contents

I have the same good fortune as Ben Zvan. As I commented earlier: I have an iPod touch 4th generation with the new OS and I haven't had any battery draining problems. Everything works fine for me. I don't know if it is specific to iPhone 4s because I have read comments to the contrary, but if that is the case, it

I have an iPod touch 4th generation with the new OS and I haven't experienced any battery draining problems. I assumed it was exclusive to iPhones, but, if it isn't, I wonder what the difference is between mine and yours.

I seem to be having a problem getting the line to save correctly. I add it and press the save button but if I open it to edit again, the changes are gone. Anyone else having this problem?

@jcrane2: lol, yeah those are definitely "other words."

@Corbab: and then after that just a symbol a la Prince.

Your hands should do all touchscreen videos from now on.

@comodidit: One of my accounts is the same as yours in that it only gets 1 or 2 a year. The other one gets a steady flow of spam and I have no idea why. I didn't use it to sign up for anything shady that I'm aware of.

@littleaxtell: Which is safer to store porn on, though?