
Interesting fact.
Stayed at a hotel in the DC area over the summer. Right in front, there were about 6 Teslas, including a brand new Model 3 and a bunch of people in suits and nametags hovering around.

Being a Tesla Model S owner, I walked over to see if I could scam a ride in the Model 3. I ask one of the guys with a

In the military, different grid reference systems (e.g. CGRS, GARS) are defined differently.  Some are w x h, while others are h x w.  

More importantly, the Allies made it a point of effort to rescue/retrieve downed pilots. The Japanese did not.

As a result, the Japanese squandered the huge advantage in flight experience they had during the early parts of the war, while the U.S. was able to retain and build pilot experience.

I can’t think of a better

Another big problem of concurrency is the fact that other programs that supplemented the F-35 were built early too. For example, the USS America amphib’s flight deck was designed specifically for the F-35. She was completed before the first F-35B’s arrived, however. Currently her network cannot support the F-35, and

It’s a long one, but a lot happened.
Summer of ‘97. I’m living in Annapolis, MD with my ex-college roommate Ed. One of our mutual buddies is getting married in San Diego. Ed offers to drive, but with one catch. We have to take his brand new 1997 Mazda RX-7. The reason? He wants to see how fast it will go.

So we do, and

Ugh, this is getting tiring 
6th amendment deals with criminal
14th deals with due process for civil cases. (expanded on this in below posts)

If the coach sues Safesport, he is going to be able to cross examine the accusers anyway. Safesport knows this, and that’s why their rules mirror quote “deeply established in

damnit!  I spell that word wrong every time.  Luckily spell check corrects it for me most of the time.

ut in other contexts, a right of confrontation is incorporated in the right of due process. The key case is Morrissey v. Brewer, 408 U. S. 471 (1972). It seems to me that the situation posed by the reader – a hearing with significant consequences for the litigant, witnesses testifying from the stand, and the

The whole fight about the Bill of Rights came down to a fight between the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists.

The Federalists believed it was obvious that any right not specifically given to the government (via the Constitution) remained with the states or people. Thus they didn’t need to be written down.


Right. First of all TL, DR.

Uh. Not sure where you’re going with this. I’m not the one that started the personal attack.

Anytime anywhere. Send me your real name and address. 

Yeh, that's constructive. I love how you keyboard warriors say whatever you want behind the safety of an anonymous login. I doubt you'd say that to my face. 

Here’s your common knowledge:

Did you read the article?

I would argue their preliminary investigation that led to a full investigation is roughly equivalent to a grand jury.

You are talking about depriving someone of his livelihood and potentially life and the pursuit of happiness.  The least you can do is have a fair hearing in which he confronts his accusers.

The spirit of the 6th amendment should be a core right.  It’s not called the Bill of criminal trials.  It’s called the Bill of Rights (as in, inalienable).

No, Americans are innocent until proven guilty. Whether that’s a criminal case, a workplace dispute, or even a sexual harassment claim. It’s supposed to be a core right.

Put the facts on the table.  Have the accused confront his accusers.  Let the truth come out either way.  But to crucify him and not let him present

Or, maybe it’s completely un-American to have a system that can ruin someone’s life and NOT let him confront his accusers.

It may not be a criminal trial, but the spirit of the 6th amendment applies.

Now, go back to your little cave troll.

Oh, look what I found laying around. A little something called the sixth ammendment: