
Glamour projects certainly play a part, but I would argue it’s not the main reason. The USAF’s roots go back to Billy Mitchell and Curtis LeMay...both huge strategic bombing advocates. Their greatest success story and best history revolves around the 8th AF and its strategic bombing campaign against Germany.

They have a valid argument. Close Air Support is totally against the core philosophy of the Air Force. They consider CAS a waste because they have to use an airplane to take out tanks one at a time. In their mind its a much better use of airpower to use an airplane to take out a bridge so that a whole column of tanks

Wow...that’s good stuff. You win all the stars

Businesses offer coupons, groupons, and put up billboards to attract customers. When the conversion to electric starts to heat up, some restaurants off the beaten path will need to find a way to bring in the customers they are losing. Putting in chargers will be one way they will do that. And in the process, they will


I guarantee you spend more than 5 minutes at a gas station too. Just getting through the stupid menu takes a couple of minutes (News flash to gas stations....I do not want your stupid, ineffective car wash, stop asking).

Had a 240 volt-50 amp charger installed in my house last month for my future Tesla. It cost $800. Right now I budget $180/mo for gas. (I’m not paying that right now because gas prices are low. My budget stays at roughly $3/gal). Charging my car via the Virginia EV-1 program will cost me approx. $45 / mo...at the worst


The base model Model S in 2009 only had a 45kwh battery. They ended up never producing it because Elon figured a sub-200 mile range car would not sell. Showing his mastery of marketing, Tesla upgraded everyone that reserved a 45 kwh car to 60 kwh for free.

The Navy rarely goes after people that go UA (Unauthorized Absence = our version of AWOL). I had a sailor go UA after a serious drug charge (found him with dealer quantities of Ecstasy). I asked NCIS what they were going to do. Their answer was, “nothing. we don’t go after people anymore. He’ll get a speeding ticket

The USAF was trying to stick to a bird of prey motif: Eagle, Falcon, Raptor, for it’s fighters. However, the F-16 guys ruined it by forcing the name Viper down everyone’s throat until it stuck. I still refuse to call them Vipers and it drives the USAF guys crazy. Always an equal opportunity troll, I also refuse to

actually, I think a German-Russian alliance is Poland's biggest nightmare.

I’m on travel, so I don’t have access to my best sources. But from Wikipedia (regrettably)

The F-18Cs are God-D### maytag washers compared to E-2C Hawkeyes.

Actually, after the decision to go after ISIL, Navy strike fighters were the only “bomb droppers” in theater. Even by the time we went to Syria, the Navy constituted over 75% of the bomb droppers in theater. I won’t give exact numbers, but there were no heavy bombers available and not many AF or USMC assets.

We absolutely need them. However, the whole mission was less efficient from a strictly military point of view. We all understood the politics, it was just frustrating to have to keep re-planning due to constantly changing demands.

But the bombs it could carry was less than ideal. We had aircraft that could carry a more capable payload.

I was in the CAOC (combined air & space operations center) in Qatar and helped plan the 1st strikes into Syria.

My 1st time in Tokyo, I was amazed that almost all the women wore stiletto heeled boots throughout the city. I kept thinking of all the random grates, lines in the sidewalk, and street cracks those heels could get stuck in.

What kind of exec wears a backwards baseball cap? I’m pretty sure I stopped that stuff in college to early 20's. I’m definitely sure I was over backwards baseball caps by my “exec” stage.