The Legend of Vincent Tremblay

Calling it now: Ravenclaw House is Playstation-exclusive.

Spare me the biased, narrative-pushing bullshit. 

When Kotaku asked Psyonix, a studio of Epic Games, why Rocket League will require Xbox Live but not PS Plus or Switch Online, a spokesperson simply responded, “It’s based on platform policies we couldn’t circumvent like we do on smartphones.

With all the departures Kotaku has suffered throughout These Unprecedented Times, I think the unsubtle, tryhard Zombie Deadspin tone is starting to creep in. I guess this is Great Hill Partners’ idea of a house style.

Other tech giants like Spotify, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, and Microsoft have been fighting Apple (and Google) over App Store policies for a lot longer than Epic has. And Epic had other means at its disposal to engage in its brinksmanship over the availability of Fortnite – including this distasteful weaponization of

Epic used a malware vector to evade the app stores’ security checks, but OK.

The developers are based in France. I’m just sayin’…

I’m one of the ancients nodding in agreement with Fahey on the 2600 port of Pac-Man. Even at that age, I was just old enough to know what “bank switching” did to 2600 games, so I was prepared for flickering and tiny palettes.

All the tech and gaming sites are reporting on how Epic is trying to “stick it to the man”, but none of them are noticing how Epic is countering Apple and Google’s 30% cut with a 20% discount. They’re only passing 2/3 of the savings on to the consumer(s parents), and pocketing the remaining 1/3. Shouldn’t all y’all

When you consider all the rock, techno, and big symphonic scores of the era, that classical guitar-led chamber orchestra came out of nowhere. And now every Blizzard score has to be as bombastic as World of Warcraft.

Sony has great exclusive games on PS4 and a generation-long lead in popularity over Xbox One. Its version of Marvel’s Avengers was already going to be very popular. But apparently all that momentum wasn’t enough.

It’s all Unicode under the hood. There are plenty of languages whose alphabets are outside of the old 8-bit Code Page 850 character set that have a 280-character limit.

While Twitter increased the character limit in most languages, they kept the limit for Japanese, Chinese, and Korean at 140 characters because their syllabic and ideographic written languages already had “enough” space. So it looks like Nintendo hard-coded Japan’s limit into the Twitter share feature instead of

Formatted like a true Microsoft Word genius: Two spaces around a pipe character. Oops, forgot one before “Windows”.

Oh, sorry, I get it now. I probably missed something up-thread.

70% is “almost nothing from a PC game sale on Steam”? Are you sure you’re not Tim Sweeney’s burner account?

Exactly. Which makes me wonder why this same level of scrutiny isn’t applied to Sony.

As far as I know, Sony’s never paid for exclusivity

It’s already a timed PS4 exclusive in Asia, none of the other multi-platform games announced at Microsoft’s 3rd party showcase provided any evidence of an exclusivity scheme, having a devkit months ago means nothing for the performance of the game right now, and arguing over which platform’s box is in front is some